80% of British people support renewable energy to generate electricity

Interesting that David Cameron was so positive about renewable energy on Monday and today this survey revels the genuine depth of support amongst the public for a renewable solution to energy needs.

80% of people support the UK using renewable energy to generate electricity, fuel and heat, according to a major survey published by the government today.

Of the 2,107 people polled in December and January just four per cent were opposed to using renewable energy, a number that has remained consistent across the previous three attitudes surveys conducted by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC).
Solar energy was found to have the highest levels of support, with 82 per cent in favour of the technology, followed by offshore wind with a 72 per cent approval rating and wave and tidal arrays with 71 per cent backing.

Significantly, just under two-thirds of respondents were in favour of onshore wind farms, while only 13 per cent were opposed, despite a high profile media campaign attacking the technology.

By comparison, 37 per cent of people support nuclear energy, while 25 per cent oppose it.

In addition, 67 per cent are worried UK supplies of fossil fuels are not sufficient to meet UK demand into the future, while a huge 88 per cent of respondents are very concerned or fairly concerned at steep rises in energy prices in the next 10 to 20 years.

The findings tally with a series of polls from various sources produced over the last year, showing public support for renewable energy.

On Sunday, UK wind farms produced more than 5GWh of power for the first time, which is enough to meet around 12 per cent of the nation's electricity demand from industry, businesses and households.  In Spain wind power supplied more power in the last quarter than any other generation system - Fossil or renewable at over 25% of total generation.